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Comments (2)

kleryskoura@yahoo.com said

at 5:21 pm on Jan 31, 2014

(1)Variety of activities and representation systems.
It’s important that we offer lots of practice, using a variety of activities / tasks so that we cater for all learning styles and levels of ability in our usually mixed-ability class. (2)Giving explicit directions / support the young learner.
Young children need you to be explicit in order to get the message you’re trying to pass. It’s not so easy for them to deduce so deduction skills need to be practiced as well. (3)Meaningful tasks / activities.
Young learners need to know why they’re doing what you asked them to do and an answer like “because you’ll learn this or that” is a “non-answer” to them because they just don’t care! So rather than “we’re going to learn this vocabulary” it should go like “Let’s play this card-game”, which will also give them a (4)purpose to work for.
(5)Kids need to enjoy themselves in order to learn easier.
Having fun helps them be concentrated , focused on the task which is what we want. This way they learn without even realizing it. I’ve seen kids with serious learning difficulties remembering loads of words after a game they enjoyed. Their usual stress lest they make an error was absent too, meaning they were more relaxed as well.
(6) They need to take incentive but also socialize,
so it’s vital that they learn how to work in a team, participating, sharing, respecting.

What I consider to be quite challenging is keeping their interest alive throughout the year. It’s always easier in the beginning, when they’re still excited for what’s new to them, interested in finding you out and you’re full of ideas and energy. But what happens mid-year, when everyone’s exhausted? It’s my challenge to keep my energy up and my ideas-box full.

Julie Gyftoula said

at 5:43 pm on Jan 31, 2014

Dear Klery,
I 've added your comment to the Module one front page so that we have all comments in a row and find it easier to follow the thread of discussion. Please, find my comment there, too.

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